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Professional natural cosmetics for personal use
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Professional natural cosmetics for personal use
main@atelierlavoye.com | World

Aging is a natural process, which, unfortunately, cannot be avoided, but it can be very significantly slowed down.
First of all, this can be done through proper skin care, not excluding the principles of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

To do this, it is necessary not only to apply face cream to the skin, but to systematically and competently apply other means necessary for skin care.

Modern, high-quality cosmetic products, such as those of Atelier Lavoye, use highly effective ingredients such as:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • peptide complexes;
  • high-tech plant extracts and more;

These substances contribute to:

  • nutrition and deep hydration of the skin,
  • stimulate cellular renewal,
  • reduce the depth of wrinkles and make them firmer.

Nature has given us absolutely everything in order to satisfy the requirements of our skin and our body, now we need to learn how to use all this correctly for our health and beauty. It’s not difficult when you know how, but it’s also not easy compared to “do nothing and everything will work itself out.” But our body, beauty and health are probably more important than our clothes, which we wash anyway, so make a choice in favor of your health and your beauty.

– Where to start with self-care?

– Determining your skin type!

This, of course, is well known, but just in case, we recall that conditionally, four types of skin are defined:

  • normal,
  • dry,
  • bold,
  • mixed (combined).

How to determine your skin type?
This can be done in the traditional way, that is, with a napkin, or you can use a special test for this purpose (there are a lot of them on websites dedicated to women’s beauty and health).

Normal skin – characterized by smoothness and elasticity. There is no oily sheen, acne, black or white dots (a type of acne), enlarged pores on it.

Dry skin – peeling often occurs on it and allergic reactions appear. When washing with soap and water, there is a feeling of tightness, then peeling begins. The skin type is very problematic and requires proper care.

Oily skin – easily determined by oily sheen. Large pores, blackheads and pimples are also noticeable. Such skin is more prone to inflammation and irritation than others. This type of skin has a positive property – wrinkles form on it later than on other types of skin.

Mixed type (combination) skin – in its different areas there is excessive dryness (around the eyes, on the temples, cheeks), and the nose and chin are greasy. Her care is separate, that is, products for different skin types are used for different areas.

The “Atelier Lavoye” cosmetic line was developed not just in the laboratory, but it was created by people who are true masters of their craft with vast experience, and the line was created for the care of any skin type.

Each consumer must understand for himself that the correct use of cosmetics is a fifty percent guarantee of success in obtaining the desired result. This is the truth, without which it is impossible to take proper care of yourself. Today, this truth is constantly violated, and studies have shown that about 98% of consumers use cosmetic products incorrectly, and using cosmetics incorrectly is the same as not using them at all. Doesn’t make sense.

Proper use of beauty products is as follows:

First, read the procedure for using the products:

  1. Peeling (if applicable).
  2. Mask (if applicable).
  3. Tonic.
  4. Lifting or Eyes & Lips Serum.
  5. Day Cream or Night Cream.
  6. Optional: Serum +

Next, understand the application description.

Before applying any skin care products (be it peeling, mask, nourishing and (or) lifting products), it is necessary to remove makeup and clean the face with special products (cream, milk, lotion) or at least wash with neutral soap . And we must remember that any cosmetics are applied to clean, damp skin (not wet, but wet).
After that, you can proceed, in fact, to the care.
And the first thing to do is to cleanse the skin of keratinized particles of old skin, expose its younger layers and make it more receptive to further procedures. To do this, you need to apply peeling “DIGNITE”.
After that, wash off the peeling with a plentiful stream of warm water, blot (do not rub!) With a damp warm towel.

Important: peeling should be done no more than 1-2 times a week!
On all other days, after pre-cleansing the face, wipe with tonic “LA VÉRITÉ”.

Next, a tonic “LA VÉRITÉ” is applied (if it is not okay to use a mask, if you planned to apply a mask, then first the mask, then the tonic).

Now your skin is ready for further treatments:
If it is evening – 2-3 hours before bedtime, apply peptide serum “EVA” on the skin of the areas around the eyes and lips, and on all face skin lifting “L’ESSENTIEL”. Once these products are completely absorbed, apply a very small amount of “L’INSOMNIE” night cream (again bypassing the area around the eyes!).
DO NOT apply makeup over night cream!

If it is morning or afternoon – apply to the skin around the eyes and lips, damp after washing and wiped with tonic “LA VÉRITÉ” peptide serum “EVA”, and on the skin, bypassing the areas around the eyes – apply lifting “L’ESSENTIEL” . After they are completely absorbed, apply a thin layer of day cream “CABREL”. Makeup can be applied on top.

Once – twice a week it is necessary to do the aforementioned “beauty mask” – that is, in addition to daily portions of nourishing, moisturizing and lifting-provoking substances – to present the skin with a special dish created from a whole balanced spectrum of special extracts and vitamins, peptide complex – beauty mask “MOINEAU”.

If urgent lifting is needed (at any time of the day) – apply on CLEAN, MOIST skin in the right places (where it is necessary to reduce the depth of wrinkles) Serum + “PETITE MARIE”. After complete absorption, make-up can be applied over it.

Now look at the application example.

Using not all means:

Short basic care – morning, day 1.

  1. Apply the peeling in a thin layer (0.1 – 0.3 mm, one press on the dispenser, “pea”) on the face and, if desired, on the décolleté (optional + one press on the dispenser), avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave on for 7 – 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water or a damp towel.
  2. Apply an amount of tonic no larger than a pea on the hands, spread over the face and, if desired, the décolleté area with movements from the chin to the forehead, as if lifting the skin up. Allow the tonic to absorb for 3 – 5 minutes.
  3. Apply serum for the area around the lips and eyes in an amount of no more than a pea on the hands, distribute over the area around the eyes, between the eyebrows and the nasolabial triangle with patting movements, as if driving the preparation into the skin with the fingertips.
  4. Apply day cream in an amount of not more than one pea, spread over the face and, if desired, the décolleté area with movements from the bottom up, as if stretching the skin to the forehead.
  5. You can apply makeup. If necessary.

Short basic care – evening, day 1.

  1. Apply an amount of tonic no larger than a pea on the hands, spread over the face and décolleté with movements from the chin to the forehead, as if lifting the skin up. Allow the tonic to absorb for 3 – 5 minutes.
  2. Apply an amount of lifting serum no larger than a pea on the hands, spread over the face and décolleté with movements from the chin to the forehead, as if lifting the skin up. Let it soak in for 3 – 5 minutes.
  3. Apply a night cream in an amount of not more than 1 pea, spread over the face and décolleté with movements from the bottom up, as if stretching the skin to the forehead.

It is forbidden to apply makeup on a night cream!!!

Using all means:

Total basic care – morning, day 1:

  1. Apply the peeling mask in a thin layer on the face and décolleté, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 7-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water or a damp towel.
  2. Apply the Beauty Mask on the skin of the face and décolleté in a thick layer (0.5 – 1mm, 2 – 3 pumps, “2 peas”) avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave for 20 – 25 minutes. Then wash off the residue with warm water or a damp towel.
    Further, all products are applied in a THIN layer so as not to overload the skin.
  3. Apply an amount of tonic no larger than a pea on the hands, spread over the face and décolleté with movements from the chin to the forehead, as if lifting the skin up. Allow the tonic to absorb for 3 – 5 minutes.
  4. Apply serum for the area around the lips and eyes in an amount of no more than a pea on the hands, spread over the area around the eyes, between the eyebrows and the nasolabial triangle with patting movements, as if driving the preparation into the skin with the fingertips.
  5. Apply a day cream in an amount of not more than 1 pea, spread over the face and décolleté with movements from the bottom up, as if stretching the skin to the forehead.

Total basic care – evening, day 1:

    Apply the peeling mask in a thin layer on the face and décolleté, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 7-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water or a damp towel.
    Apply the Beauty Mask on the skin of the face and décolleté in a thick layer (0.5 – 1 mm, 2 – 3 clicks on the dispenser, “2 peas”) avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave for 20 – 25 minutes. Then wash off the residue with warm water or a damp towel.
  3. Apply an amount of tonic no larger than a pea on the hands, spread over the face and décolleté with movements from the chin to the forehead, as if lifting the skin up. Allow the tonic to absorb for 3 – 5 minutes.
  4. Apply an amount of lifting serum no larger than a pea on the hands, spread over the face and décolleté with movements from the chin to the forehead, as if lifting the skin up. Let it soak in for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Apply a night cream in an amount of not more than 1 pea, spread over the face and décolleté with movements from the bottom up, as if pulling the skin to the forehead.
    It is forbidden to apply makeup on a night cream!!!


  1. The manufacturer, for maximum effect, recommends using the complex on an ongoing basis. This will give the best result of the appearance and internal condition of the subcutaneous flora.
  2. Constantly used, can be repeated throughout the day and every day:
    – Tonic;
    – Daily cream;
    – Night cream;
    They are used alternately, as indicated in the instructions for use:
    – Beauty mask;
    – Lifting serum;
    – Serum around the eyes and lips;
    – Peeling
  3. Alternate products are recommended to be alternated between applications.



  • For all skin types.
  • Waiting time: 3 – 7 minutes.
  • Application of peeling: apply peeling to clean skin of the face and décolleté with a volume of one pressure on the dispenser (pea). Gently massage in a circular motion with your fingertips. Rinse off with plenty of warm water until the traces of the peeling mask are completely removed.
    Please note: you may feel a slight tingling and redness of the skin during and after applying the mask. Do not apply to damaged skin.



  • For all skin types.
  • Waiting time: ~ 15 – 20 minutes.
  • Application of the mask: apply the mask on clean and damp skin of the face, bypassing the area around the eyes the mask with a volume of one pressure on the dispenser (peas). Leave for 15 – 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. To achieve a visible, desired result, it is enough to carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week.

La vérité


  • For all skin types.
  • Waiting time: until completely absorbed.
  • Application of tonic: apply an amount of the product equal to one pressure on the dispenser (pea) on the cleansed face (after cleansing with peeling or just after washing, and also after the mask if after cleansing the mask was applied according to the plan, before the day/night cream or serum) spread evenly and gently tapping with fingertips over the skin until completely absorbed.
    To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to use a daily course for 40-60 days.



  • For all skin types.
  • Waiting time: until completely absorbed.
  • Application: use a pea-sized dose (one press on the dispenser) on the entire face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Apply several times a week, morning or evening, to clean, damp skin before day or night cream (or no creams). It is worked out by massage until completely absorbed in directions from the bottom up, as if stretching the skin towards the back of the head.
    To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to use a daily course for 40-60 days.


Serum around the eyes and lips

  • For all skin types.
  • Waiting time: until completely absorbed.
  • Serum application: use a dosage in the volume of a pea (one press on the dispenser), apply to the area around the lips and eyes with light massage movements.
    Apply several times a week, morning or evening, to clean, damp skin before day or night cream. Does not require the application of other cosmetics. After complete absorption, make-up can be applied.


Day cream

  • For all skin types.
  • Waiting time: until completely absorbed.
  • Application of the cream: a dosage in the volume of a pea is used (one press on the dispenser). It is applied at the end of the procedure (after cleansing, peeling, serum and other items in the complex) or separately from the procedure on the entire face and neck. After it is worked out with a massage until completely absorbed. After application and complete absorption, make-up can be applied.
    To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to use a daily course for 40-60 days.


Night cream

  • For all skin types.
  • Waiting time: until completely absorbed.
  • Applying the cream: use a dosage of two to three peas (~ 2 clicks on the dispenser). It is applied at the end of the procedure (after cleansing, peeling, serum and other items in the complex) or separately from the procedure after washing on the entire face and décolleté, avoiding the area around the eyes. After it is worked out with a massage until completely absorbed. Make-up is not allowed on the cream.
    To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to use a daily course for 40-60 days.

Petite Marie

Rapid action serum

In case of need for urgent lifting (at any time of the day)

  • For all skin types.
  • Waiting time: until completely absorbed.
  • Application: on CLEAN, MOISTURE skin, apply in the right places (where it is necessary to reduce the depth of wrinkles) a quick-acting serum. After complete absorption, make-up can be applied over it.



  • Lifting action
    Active regeneration and restoration of skin elasticity. Slowdown of skin aging processes, improvement of microcirculation and toning of metabolic processes in skin cells. A pronounced lifting effect, a noticeable decrease in the number and depth of wrinkles. Moisturizing and nourishing the skin.
    Tones the skin, has a lifting effect.
    Deep hydration of all layers of the skin.
    Evens out skin tone, gives radiance and youth.
    A preparation specially created for everyday effective lifting and toning of the skin of the face and décolleté. It contains a tonic phytodistillate of mint and rose, two peptide complexes, as well as a unique ingredient based on blue-green micro-algae of the Cyanophyta class, which acts identically to retinol, but without its side effects. Deeply hydrates the skin. Contains an active natural complex, including extracts of “pure” plants, hydrolyzed collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid of different sizes. Tightens and firms the skin of the face and décolleté. Prevents the appearance of new wrinkles, gives a noticeable increase in skin elasticity.
  • Base
    Innovative bioactive products and low-temperature extracts of plants grown in natural conditions. The recipe does not contain animal raw materials, mineral oils, dyes, antibiotics, preservatives containing parabens are not used.
  • Active Elements
    Peptide complex AO8 (Acetyl octapeptide-3) – (acting similarly to Botox, a neuropeptide similar to snake venom peptide – reduces the frequency of neuromuscular cell contractions quickly (by 82% in 2 hours) and for a long time, as a result, significantly reducing the depth and number of wrinkles after 2 hours, and with regular use by 52% in 28 days).
    Peptide complex REBTIDE PT5 (Palmitoyl Tripeptide-5) (signal highly bioactive peptide that accelerates collagen production – promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the dermis, activates the production of tissue growth factors, protects collagen from degradation. Smoothes the skin relief, reduces the depth of wrinkles. Deeply penetrates the skin ).
    A unique ingredient based on the blue-green micro-algae of the Cyanophyta class Lanablue (blue retinol) is a natural retinoid-like active for reducing wrinkles.
    Hydrolyzed fish collagen and elastin (increases firmness and elasticity of the skin, regulates transepidermal moisture loss, has a rejuvenating and moisturizing effect, restores softness and tone to the skin of the face).
    Biosaccharide gum (a powerful natural moisturizer – a combination of polysaccharides obtained by biofermentation from natural plant ingredients), retinol palmitate (a powerful antioxidant).
    Hyaluronic acid of medium and low molecular weight (provides hydration for all layers of the skin, fills wrinkles, improves skin elasticity).
    Provitamin B5 (panthenol relieves inflammation, accelerates skin regeneration, eliminates dryness and dehydration).
    Allantoin (powerful antioxidant, neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals, accelerates tissue regeneration).
    Selected vegetable oils and emollients (squalane, soy lecithin, avocado and grape bone oils intensively soften and restore the skin, saturate it with vitamins and microelements, improve skin elasticity and firmness).
    Natural, low-temperature extracts of parsley and centella asiatica (Parsley is used to care for flabby, aging skin, creates a rejuvenating effect, restores firmness and elasticity, promotes the synthesis of proteins and collagen, has a smoothing, soothing, disinfectant, antispasmodic effect, relieves swelling of the eyelids and eliminates circles under the eyes, evens out skin tone.Centella asiatica extract is used as a component that has an antioxidant effect, increases collagen synthesis and skin elasticity, makes intact skin smooth, smoothes fine wrinkles, relieves swelling of tissues)
    Niacinamide (restores the barrier function of the dermis, leveling peeling, irritation and dehydration, improves complexion, removes dullness, reduces redness, relieves inflammation, fights acne, brightens age spots and post-acne; slows down the aging process (antioxidant), increases skin elasticity, tightens pores, keeps the skin matte)
    Mint and rose hydrosols (refreshes, tones the skin, gives the skin firmness and elasticity).
  • Compound
    Water, Collagen, Grape Seed Oil, Coffee (Coffea arabica) Extract, Avocado Oil, Gialuronic Acid, Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Extract, Ginger (Zinziber officinale) Root Extract, Green Tea (Camellia chinensis) Extract, Olivem1000, Qince (Cydonia vulgaris) Extract, ECM Moduline (Palmitoyl Tripeptide-28), X50 Myocept (Palmitoyl heptapeptide-18 & Palmitoyl heptapeptide-52), Oat Proteins, Passion flora (Passiflora incarnate) Leaf Extract, Shitake (Lentinus edodes) Extract, Resveratrol, Shea (Butyrospermum Parkii) Butter, Phenoxyethanol, Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Fruit Extract, Tocopherol, Panthenol, Retinol, Dimethylol Dimethyl Hydantoin (DMDMH), Xantan Gum, Fragrance, Cyclomethicone.


Night cream

  • Action
    It slows down the aging process of the skin, restores firmness and elasticity, evens out complexion, has a lifting effect, prevents age-related changes in the skin and protects it.
    Softens and nourishes the skin, eliminates dryness and flaking. Effectively moisturizes, helps to reduce transepidermal moisture loss.
    Restores the natural microbiome of the skin due to metabolites (probiotics) in the composition, fills the epidermis with “beneficial” bacteria, preventing inflammation and rashes.
  • Base
    Vegetable oils, extracts, innovative bioactive products from globally recognized manufacturers. The recipe does not contain animal raw materials, mineral oils, dyes, antibiotics, preservatives containing parabens are not used.
  • Active Elements
    Peptide complex REBTIDE PT5 (signal highly bioactive peptide that accelerates collagen production – promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the dermis, activates the production of tissue growth factors, protects collagen from degradation. Smoothes the skin relief, reduces the depth of wrinkles. Penetrates deep into the skin).
    Peptide complex SNAP-8 (muscle relaxant peptide, blocks excessive facial expressions, preventing the formation and reduces the depth of mimic wrinkles.
    Metabolites (probiotics) are “beneficial” bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the microflora of the skin surface (epidermis).
    Rose wax – (retains moisture in the epidermis, has a rejuvenating, bactericidal and biostimulating effect).
    Bisabolol – (a powerful soothing, regenerating agent for the skin, relieves redness, tightens pores, erases hyperpigmentation and brightens scars).
    Hyaluronic acid of medium and low molecular weight (provides hydration for all layers of the skin, fills wrinkles, improves skin elasticity).
    Biosaccharide gum (a powerful natural moisturizer – a combination of polysaccharides obtained by biofermentation from natural plant ingredients), retinol palmitate (a powerful antioxidant).
    Provitamin B5 (panthenol relieves inflammation, accelerates skin regeneration, eliminates dryness and dehydration).
    Allantoin (powerful antioxidant, neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals, accelerates tissue regeneration).
    Elastin (provides deep hydration, restores the healthy texture of the stratum corneum of the skin, heals and heals).
    Selected vegetable oils and emollients (squalane, soy lecithin, shea butter, sea buckthorn, walnut and grape bone intensively soften and restore the skin, saturate it with vitamins and microelements, improve skin elasticity and firmness).
    Natural extracts of rose and sage – rose has antimicrobial and antiviral effects, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, stimulates cellular immunity, has strong antioxidant properties, deeply moisturizes the skin. Sage moisturizes, tones and nourishes the skin, normalizes the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation and swelling.
    Chicken oil lipids – improve the penetration of active ingredients into the skin, increasing the effectiveness of the drug.
  • Compound
    Water, Glycine Soya (Soyabean) Oil, Collagen, Olivem1000, Gialuronic Acid, Syn-Coll®, Syn-Ake®, Almond (Prunus amygdalus dulcis) Oil, Avocado Oil, Jojoba Oil, Ginger (Zinziber officinale) Root Extract, Oliwax, Shea (Butyrospermum Parkii) Butter, Cetyl Alcohol, ECM Moduline (Palmitoyl Tripeptide-28), X50 Myocept (Palmitoyl heptapeptide-18 & Palmitoyl heptapeptide-52), Oat Proteins, Qince (Cydonia vulgaris) Extract, Silc protein, (Passiflora incarnate) Leaf Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Fruit Extract, Tocopherol, Panthenol, Lactic Acid Retinol, Dimethylol Dimethyl Hydantoin (DMDMH), Fragrance, Carbomer (Acrilic acid copolymer), Cyclomethicone.

Petite Marie

Lifting +

  • Action
    Very quickly, effectively and for a long time reduces the depth of wrinkles around the eyes and lips. Deeply hydrates the skin. The active complex, consisting of peptides, natural extracts, hydrolyzed collagen, hyaluronic acid and microencapsulated vitamins, tightens the skin around the eyes and lips and strengthens the subcutaneous matrix. The result of using this product is visually well-groomed, healthy-looking skin, as well as slowing down the appearance of new wrinkles, a noticeable increase in the elasticity of the areas around the eyes and mouth.
  • Base
    Innovative bioactive products from globally recognized manufacturers and low-temperature extracts of plants grown in natural conditions. The recipe does not contain animal raw materials, mineral oils, dyes, antibiotics, preservatives containing parabens are not used.
  • Active Elements
    ECM Moduline peptide complex and X50 Myocept peptide complex, hydrolyzed collagen, oat proteins, resveratrol (powerful antioxidant), hydrolyzed collagen, hyaluronic acid, polysilicones (Gransil EP-9), selected vegetable oils, low temperature extracts of Shiitake, green tea, quince, microencapsulated vitamin complex.
  • Compound
    Water, Polysilicone-11, Laureth-12, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid, ECM Moduline (Palmitoyl Tripeptide-28), X50 Myocept (Palmitoyl heptapeptide-18 & Palmitoyl heptapeptide- 52), Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Root Oil, Grape Seed (Vitis Vinifera) Oil, Lentinus Edodes Extract, Oat Protein, Cetearyl Olivate, Sorbitan Olivate, Pyrus Cydonia Fruit Extract, Passiflora Incarnata Fruit Extract, resveratrol, Phenoxyethanol, Tocopherol, Panthenol, Xanthan Gum, Retinol, DMDM-Hydantoin, Fragrance, Cyclometicone, Hydroxyisohexyl 3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde, Hexyl Cinnamal, alpha-iso-Methylionone, Benzyl Salicylate, Butylphenyl Methylpropional.


Day cream

  • Action
    The cream not only slows down aging, it is able to effectively correct problems that have already appeared. By activating the synthesis of intercellular substance, the peptide complex acts on the resulting wrinkles. An active bio-component natural complex, including extracts of “pure”, naturally grown plants, hydrolyzed collagen and vitamins, tightens, protects from sun rays and firms the skin, contributing to the correction of facial shapes. The result is skin restoration, slowing down the appearance of new wrinkles, a noticeable increase in skin elasticity. Already after the first application of this cream, a pronounced effect is noticeable. The skin is noticeably tightened, becomes elastic and elastic, wrinkles noticeably “shallow”.
  • Base
    Vegetable oils, extracts, innovative bioactive products from globally recognized manufacturers. The recipe does not contain animal raw materials, mineral oils, dyes, antibiotics, preservatives containing parabens are not used.
  • Active Elements
    ECM Moduline Peptide Complex and X50 Myocept Peptide Complex (botox-like), hydrolyzed collagen, silk proteins, oat proteins, resveratrol (a powerful antioxidant), hydrolyzed collagen, hyaluronic acid, polysilicones (Gransil EP-9), coenzyme Q-10, selected vegetable oils, natural, low-temperature extracts, microencapsulated vitamin complex.
  • Compound
    Water, Grape Seed Oil, Polysilicon, Avocado Oil, Olivem1000, Gialuronic Acid, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Collagen, Resveratrol, ECM Moduline (Palmitoyl Tripeptide-28), X50 Myocept (Palmitoyl heptapeptide-18 & Palmitoyl heptapeptide- 52), Oat Proteins, Ginger (Zinziber officinale) Root Extract, Oliwax, Shea (Butyrospermum Parkii) Butter, Cetyl Alcohol, Qince (Cydonia vulgaris) Extract, Rona Flair® (Extender W), Passion flora (Passiflora incarnate) Leaf Extract, Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphat, Phenoxyethanol, Titanium Dioxide, Pomegranate (Punica granatum ) Fruit Extract, Tocopherol, Panthenol, Retinol, Dimethylol Dimethyl Hydantoin(DMDMH), Fragrance, Carbomer (Acrilic acid copolymer), Coenzim Q10, Cyclomethicone.


Serum around the eyes and lips

  • Action
    A lip and eye serum with an effective formula – a combination of skin moisturizing ingredients, a peptide smoothing complex, an antioxidant complex, tonic, anti-puffiness extracts, and a nourishing complex. Ideal for thin and sensitive skin around the eyes. Gives a feeling of freshness and elasticity, evens out the oval of the face.
    Increased skin turgor, increased density and elasticity.
    Prevention of the formation of mimic wrinkles caused by the tension of the facial muscles. Fight existing wrinkles.
    Removal of puffiness, alignment of the oval of the face.
    Effectively solves skin problems around the eyes and lips. By activating the synthesis of the intercellular substance, the complex of 4 peptides acts on the resulting wrinkles. Deeply hydrates the skin. An active biocomponent natural complex, including extracts of “pure”, naturally grown plants, caffeine, wheat proteins, hyaluronic acid and vitamins, tightens and strengthens the skin around the eyes and lips. The result is visually well-groomed, healthy-looking skin, as well as a slowdown in the appearance of new wrinkles, a noticeable increase in skin elasticity.
  • Base
    Innovative bioactive products from globally recognized manufacturers and low-temperature extracts of plants grown in natural conditions. The recipe does not contain animal raw materials, mineral oils, dyes, antibiotics, preservatives containing parabens are not used.
  • Peptide complex AO8 (Acetyl octapeptide-3) – (acting similarly to Botox, a neuropeptide similar to snake venom peptide – reduces the frequency of neuromuscular cell contractions quickly (by 82% in 2 hours) and for a long time, as a result, significantly reducing the depth and number of wrinkles after 2 hours, and with regular use by 52% in 28 days).
    Peptide complex REBTIDE PT5 (Palmitoyl Tripeptide-5) and REBTIDE DDBD (Dipeptide Diaminobutyroyl Benzylamide Diacetate) (signal highly bioactive peptide that accelerates collagen production – promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the dermis, activates the production of tissue growth factors, protects collagen from degradation. Smoothes the skin relief, reduces the depth of wrinkles, Penetrates deep into the skin).
    Peptide complex REBTIDE AT5 (Acetyl Tetrapeptide-5) is an innovative tetrapeptide that effectively reduces puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. This ingredient increases the elasticity and smoothness of the skin, eliminates congestion.
    Caffeine – penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, helps to relieve puffiness under the eyes, increases the tone of the skin vessels.
    Biosaccharide gum (a powerful natural moisturizer – a combination of polysaccharides obtained by biofermentation from natural plant ingredients), retinol palmitate (a powerful antioxidant).
    Hyaluronic acid of medium and low molecular weight (provides hydration for all layers of the skin, fills wrinkles, improves skin elasticity).
    Selected vegetable oils and emollients (squalane, ethylhexylglycerin – intensively soften and restore the skin, improve skin elasticity and firmness).
    Natural, low-temperature extracts of needles, horse chestnut (have a lymphatic drainage effect, reduce puffiness, smooth the contour of the face).
    Laminaria extract (has regenerating, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory properties. Prevents moisture loss in the skin, tones, restores elasticity, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin).
    Hydrovance (provides effective long-term hydration, improves skin elasticity).
    Wheat proteins (contain oligosaccharides and are a unique complex with moisturizing and skin softening properties).
    Lanablue-Lanablue (a unique ingredient based on blue-green micro-algae of the Cyanophyta class, which acts identically to retinol, but without its side effects. Improves the appearance of the skin, smoothes wrinkles, and has a moisturizing effect).
  • Compound
    Water, Collagen, Grape Seed Oil, Gialuronic Acid, Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Extract, Ginger (Zinziber officinale) Root Extract, Green Tea (Camellia chinensis ) Extract, Olivem1000, Qince (Cydonia vulgaris) Extract, ECM Moduline (Palmitoyl Tripeptide-28), X50 Myocept (Palmitoyl heptapeptide-18, Palmitoyl heptapeptide-52), Oat Proteins, Passion flora (Passiflora incarnate) Leaf Extract, Shitake (Lentinus edodes) Extract, Resveranrol, Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Fruit Extract, Shea (Butyrospermum Parkii) Butter, Phenoxyethanol, Tocopherol, Panthenol, Retinol, Dimethylol Dimethyl Hydantoin(DMDMH), Xantan Gum, Fragrance, Cyclomethicone.

La vérité


  • Action
    Improves microcirculation and toning of metabolic processes in skin cells, reduces bags under the eyes and reduces swelling, fights dark circles and signs of overwork. The innovative peptide complex in the composition works in three directions: reduces capillary permeability, increases lymph circulation and improves skin elasticity.
    Toning, balancing the level of acidity of the skin.
    Removal of puffiness, alignment of the oval of the face.
    Improves the permeability of the skin, increasing the effectiveness of the use of subsequent preparations.
    Tonic provides effective protection of the skin from the negative effects of the external environment and prepares it for the subsequent application of the usual care products. Highly active components saturate the cells with moisture and essential trace elements. The composition also includes kelp extract, rich in zinc and vitamins, which enhances the protection of the skin from negative environmental factors and helps to make it hydrated and clear.
  • Base
    Floral hydrolates, extracts, innovative bioactive products. The recipe does not contain animal raw materials, mineral oils, dyes, antibiotics, preservatives containing parabens are not used.
  • Active Elements
    AT5 peptide complex (an innovative tetrapeptide that effectively reduces puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. This ingredient improves skin elasticity and smoothness, eliminates congestion).
    Hyaluronic acid of high, medium and low molecular weight (3D complex of hyaluronic acid provides moisture to all layers of the skin, fills wrinkles, improves skin elasticity, promotes deeper penetration of other active ingredients).
    A complex of plant phytodistillates of Melissa, ginger, jasmine and orange (saturate the skin with vitamins and minerals, effectively moisturize and soften the epidermis, give radiance and a feeling of freshness).
    Laminaria extract (has regenerating, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory properties. Prevents moisture loss in the skin, tones, restores elasticity, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin).
    Hydrolyzed collagen (improves the general condition of the skin: smoothes and evens it, makes it firm and elastic, removes fine wrinkles and refreshes. It has a wound healing and soothing effect, retains moisture in the deep layers of the skin).
    Provitamin B5 (panthenol relieves inflammation, accelerates skin regeneration, eliminates dryness and dehydration).
    Allantoin (powerful antioxidant, neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals, accelerates tissue regeneration).
    Ivy extract (provides effective protection of the walls of blood vessels, prevents fragility of capillaries, and also normalizes local blood circulation. It also has a tonic and tonic effect on the skin).
    Horse chestnut extract (has a pronounced anti-edematous effect. An antioxidant that suppresses the action of enzymes (collagenase and elastase), which leads to an increase in collagen content in the skin, maintains its tone. Helps strengthen capillaries and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Helps normalize skin blood circulation, improving complexion).
    Pomegranate extract (promotes the synthesis and formation of ceramides, restores the epidermal skin barrier, soothes irritation, inflammation, eliminates dryness. Stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, preventing the formation of wrinkles and premature skin aging).
    Aminoforce protein complex (complex of plant proteins based on three cereals: wheat, rye, oats. Stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, increases collagen synthesis through signal molecules, promotes skin regeneration. Reduces wrinkles, improves skin microrelief).
    A mixture of silicone elastomers (matte the skin, reduce shine, even out skin roughness, mask wrinkles).
    Squalane (has a protective, softening, antioxidant effect, enriches the skin with oxygen. It is one of the best lubricating components in skin care products. Prevents moisture loss, delays the appearance of signs of premature aging).
  • Compound
    Water, Passion flora (Passiflora Incarnata) Fruit Extract, Collagen, Gialuronic Acid, Date (Phoenix Dactylifera) Fruit Extract, ECM Moduline (Palmitoyl Tripeptide-28), Polysorbat 20, Shiitake (Lentinus Ddodes) Extract, Dead Sea Salt, Phenoxyethanol, Tocopherol, Oat Protein, Panthenol, Retinol, Dimethylol, Dimethyl Hydantoin (DMDMH), Fragrance, Xantan (Xanthomonas Campestris) Gum.



  • Action
    The carefully selected complex of papaya enzymes and acids contained in the mask softens dead skin cells, improves color, evens out skin texture, smoothes it and helps to narrow pores.
    Has a mild exfoliating effect. Due to the introduction of additional active elements – enzymes – gently removes the keratinized layer of the skin.
    Stimulates the regeneration of collagen and elastin due to glycolic acid in the composition.
    Evens out skin tone, gives radiance and tone. After use, the skin looks fresh and rested.
  • Base
    Carefully selected complex of papaya enzymes and acids.
  • Active Elements
    Papain is a natural plant enzyme derived from papaya juice. Gentle exfoliating ingredient that naturally unclogs pores. It has a brightening effect, due to which it evens out the overall skin tone and improves complexion.
    Pineapple extract (activates the process of skin cell renewal, has a mild exfoliation effect, helps to smooth out fine mimic wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin, has a noticeable whitening effect, improves complexion, eliminates swelling and inflammation, has a pronounced antibacterial property, breaks down subcutaneous fat)
    Glycolic acid (accelerates cell renewal, evens out skin texture, tightens pores, has a brightening effect)
    Kiwi extract (smoothes skin texture, reduces hyperpigmentation, providing a brightening effect, tones the skin)
    Rosehip oil – contains a huge amount of vitamins C, A and E, is one of the most active antioxidant oils, it heals any damage to the skin, smoothes the skin texture, gives a feeling of “renewal”. Rosehip oil improves intracellular metabolism and prevents the formation of free radicals.
  • Compound
    Water, Cocamidopropyl Betain, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Carica Papaya Fruit Extract, Ananas Sativus (Pineapple) Fruit Extract, Actinidia Chinensis (Kiwi) Fruit Extract, Stearic Acid, Glycolic Acid, Propylen Glycol, Glycine Soya (Soyabean) Oil, Cetyl Alcohol, Glyceryl Stearate, Inducos10/3, Triethanolamine, Phenoxyethanol, Xanthan Gum, Tocopherol, Lactic Acid, DMDMH, Fragrance.



  • Action
    The principle of action of the mask is based on an effective and synergistic combination of high-tech components effects on the skin: two peptide complex, hydrolyzed collagen, hydrolyzed oat proteins and substances contained in pomegranate fruits, ginger root, olive pit and completely transferred to this mask. This composition of the product allows you to tighten and strengthen the skin, prevent the appearance of new wrinkles, significantly increase the elasticity of the skin. After the first application of this mask, a pronounced effect of smooth, “velvet” skin is noticeable. It noticeably tightens, becomes elastic and elastic, deeply moisturized. The number and depth of wrinkles are noticeably reduced.
  • Base
    High quality vegetable oils (avocado, jojoba, grapeseed), vegetable emulsifier (OLivem 1000), vegetable wax (Oliwax), xanthan gum. The recipe does not contain animal raw materials, mineral oils, dyes, antibiotics, preservatives containing parabens are not used.
  • Active Elements
    Peptide complex ECM Moduline (Palmitoyl Tripeptide-28), hydrolyzed collagen, hydrolyzed oat proteins, hyaluronic acid, resveratrol (powerful antioxidant), low temperature plant extracts, microencapsulated vitamin complex.
  • Compound
    Water, Olive (Olea europaea) Oil, Olivem1000, Avocado (Persea grafisma) Oil Gialuronic Acid, Collagen, ECM Moduline (Palmitoyl Tripeptide-28), Almond (Prunus amygdalus dulcis) Oil, Jojoba (Simmonddsia chinensis) Oil, Rice (Oraza sativa) starch, Grape Seed Oil, Ginger (Zinziber officinale) Root Extract, Oliwax, Oat Proteins, Shea (Butyrospermum Parkii) Butter, Qince (Cydonia vulgaris) Extract, Passion flora (Passiflora incarnate) Fruit Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Fruit Extract, Tocopherol, Panthenol, Retinol, Dimethylol Dimethyl Hydantoin (DMDMH), Fragrance, Xantan (Xanthomonas campestris) Gum.

The correct cost of products is reflected only on the official website of the company atelierlavoye.com, as well as on the official websites of the company’s importers outside of France, in other countries of the world.

Any other cost not in the official channels for the sale of products is not related to the company and the company is not responsible for the safety of funds when paying and for the quality of the goods.

Atelier Lavoye products can be purchased in several ways:


On the official website of the company through the parent company in Paris (for France and EU countries), or on any other official website of the official importer outside the EU, in other countries. You can find the list of official importers and the list of countries where the company’s products are presented in the Contacts section


At the representative of the company in the country where the official representative office is present. You can find the full list of countries in the section Contacts

The company does not use any other distribution methods.

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